Goals or Processes?

The claps are inconclusive.

Thomas P Seager, PhD
6 min readSep 21, 2018

No less an authority than Benjamin P. Hardy (author of Willpower Doesn’t Work) tells us ‘If You Don’t Believe In Setting Goals, It’s Because You Don’t Know How To Do It.’

How can 21K claps and 206K followers be wrong?

According to Hardy, to “actually achieve any goal” you need:

- a clear goal.
- to actually want that goal.
- to believe you can actually achieve your goal.
- to pray to have more faith.
- (to be) 100% committed to your goal.
— Benjamin J. Hardy, ‘If You Don’t Believe In Setting Goals…”

Uberblogger Nicolas Cole (only 37K Medium followers, but he writes so much) pretty much agrees. He tells us to stay ridiculously focused on goals (11.9K claps), stay motivated on our goals (7.4K), not to give up on our goals too early (7.8K), but he also writes that ‘Chasing Goals is Fleeting and Leaves Most People Unhappy and Unfulfilled’ (only 1.6K claps).

Here’s what Cole says in ‘Unfulfilled’:

… I think it’s so important for people to focus on the journey and not the destination. To say you’re after the destination is to say, “I can’t wait until I’m done playing this game.” Well then what are you playing for in the first place? The whole point is to play, to enjoy the process. The moment you reach the final level, defeat the final boss, and have nothing left to do, is the moment you lose your love for playing at all. — Nicolas Cole, ‘Chasing Goals… Leaves Most People



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