I agree Ned Dodds that Darcy Reeder’s lack of understanding is “pretty unremarkable.” Except to people like you, who remark on it anyway.
I like the topics that Darcy writes about, and the way that she leaves herself open to criticism and disagreement. I believe her when she says her husband values and admires her writing.
You, on the other hand, are doing just doing Medium wrong. When an author writes about raw, difficult, and personal topics like Darcy does, they empower their readers to “make any comment.”
Your weird metaphors about what “lies in (my) mouth” is word garbage. Law School is too expensive to pay for without learning how to write. See if you can get some of your tuition money back.
Nonetheless, you’re correct about one thing.
My comments say way more about me than about Darcy. I’m glad you’re reading them that way.