Should Women Learn ‘Red Pill’ Praxeology?
Maybe… just not from their husbands and boyfriends.
Medium sent me a recent article by Darcy Reeder called ‘Teaching Men to Game Their Wives,’ in which she summarized some of what she was reading in the subreddit forums on Married Red Pill. Darcy was having trouble connecting with her husband, and she went online looking for advice or understanding that might help her get him to change his behavior
There’s lots of truth to her critique of the Red Pill forums. The term Red Pill has been twisted from its original Matrix movie metaphor, in which it meant choosing to see the world the way it is, rather than the way you wish it to be. I explained some of this in ‘Red Pill’ is a Way of Making Sense of the World, and I talked a little bit about how the term is also used as a catchphrase for some weird, destructive, intersexual political struggle online. For example, one way to try and conform the world to your wishes is to convince people that it already is that way, and there is nothing they can do about it (so they may as well accept your view of reality).
That’s propaganda, not praxeology.
The Red Pill, in it’s original formulation, is without moral judgment about what…