No, Tom Kuegler. You’re exaggerating.
I’ve read Benjamin Hardy articles, as you suggest, and they’re good. Just not “really fucking good”.
There’s a temptation to interpret your emphasis on “practicality” as aiming for the middle of the bell curve — the portion of the market that holds the most people.
Your problem with that approach to “practical” is that authors like Hardy are already there, and they’re doing a pretty good job.
What I like about your writing is your thoughtful approach to figuring out what is working, and how you are willing to try new things because you see evidence (e.g., from other authors) that it works.
What I’m looking forward to is watching your blog evolve from experimental imitation of other authors you admire, to finding the unique thing you have to offer that builds a Tom Kuegler tribe.
(That’s an explicit reference to Seth Godin’s Tribes).