Thomas P Seager, PhD
1 min readNov 25, 2018


The men on dating apps are not your waiters, Vanessa Torre. Dating (and sex) are not transactional, like buying a meal in a restaurant.

When you write a clever, funny line like, “My vagina is not a community college,” it suggests two things:

  1. Your vagina is a commodity and sex to you is a transaction, and
  2. You have yet to find “customers” for your vagina whom you consider qualified.

Perhaps you’re trying to say that you think of your vagina as a Land Grant University or something, I dunno. It makes me sad when women objectify themselves, commodify sex, and reduce love to a transaction.

I taught community college for 4 years. I was proud of our admissions policies, and I gladly accepted into my classroom any student with a willingness to learn. That doesn’t mean I sleep with any woman who comes my way, because that’s not the way that sex works for me.

So you and I see things different.

