Yes, we do need a community Jacky Smith
The connection between food, clean air, clean water and survival is so obvious, it’s true. Less obvious are the cases in which human beings die from being cast out, shamed, and neglected.
You Are the Placebo by Dispenza provides a good account of hownegative emotions and disconnection causes death.
Maslow was Harry Harlow’s grad student when Harlow conducted the experiments with baby monkeys that removed the newborns from their Mothers, but provided for their food, shelter, water needs. The lack of emotional succor for the baby monkeys resulted in an assortment of dysfunctional maladies that mu7st have been on Maslow’s mind when he formulated his theory.
Also, Victor Frankl’s Mean’s Search for Meaning is an telling account of survival in the Nazi concentration camps that illustrates the necessity of meaning to life.