Thomas P Seager, PhD
2 min readFeb 15, 2019


You may have just invented “reverse revenge porn” traceybyfire

There’s something about the way you describe flaunting your sexuality on social media that suggests your experimentation was (in part) enjoyable because you were giving anonymous Men something you never gave your BF.

Maybe you selected the social media site your BF “hates” because you wanted to avoid his social circles, and avoid rubbing it in his face. (Like, “Hah-hah, you could’ve had these boobs, but now you can’t and I’m giving them away for free!)

Based on what you described, it’s impossible to rule out the idea that while you were posting topless selfies for attention, you also enjoyed making your Ex feel like shit.

What I like about your story is that it reveals (to your male readers) what’s going on behind the digital curtain, from the female perspective. It helps men understand how easy it is for women to elicit this type of attention online — at a safe digital distance — in an effort to manipulate men into meeting the female need for attention.

It’s good for guys to know that the boob pic they just got in their phone isn’t just for them.

On the other hand, your honesty has limits.

You claim something like “I was an attention-seeking digital exhibitionist, but then I got bored when I couldn’t figure out any new ways to get online male attention, so I stopped doing that.”

But you haven’t stopped.

You’re just experimenting with new ways of attracting online male attention… but this time you’re using some anonymous woman’s Unsplash breasts instead of your own.



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